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Welcome to the 1st ASIA InMusic Competition

The 1st ASIA InMusic Competition is a fully online event that challenges boundaries and celebrates music through the music performances of contestants from around the world, a testament to how technology can be a bridge that unites people  in a unique digital celebration.

​The desire to organize an online contest arose to take advantage of the enormous work of the teacher and the talent of the student through an external perspective that wishes to channel the musician's personal and musical growth objectives.


Our philosophy goes further, we really want to be a support point from which musicians can see themselves evaluated with the aim of continuing to improve day by day and recognizing the path they have traveled. We sincerely welcome you to participate!

Captura de pantalla 2024-03-26 a las 20.27.42.png
Captura de pantalla 2024-03-15 a las 19.16.27.png

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